Buy one, get one 50% off Use code BOGO50
Buy one, get one 50% off Use code BOGO50
You may return it within 30 days of delivery. We will even provide you with a FREE return shipping label. Call our customer service to obtain an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number and a free return-shipping label. All products must be returned with any unused warranty cards, instruction booklets, cleaning cloths, and cases when applicable. The RMA number MUST be written on the outside of the package and/or on the return shipping label.
BOGO(Buy 1, Get 1) purchases are limited to exchanges or whole order returns. There are no partial returns. You must return both items or you can exchange one of your items.
You can return items for any reason within 30 days of receiving them. Just call our customer service department first at 1-800-896-2561 so that they can get you started with the return process and get your FREE return shipping label.
30-Day Return Policy | |
Non-Prescription Eyewear |
Prescription Eyewear |
We keep your prescription on file so that your re-order process can be quick and easy. If you go into the order history, you are able to see your previous order there. To place an order for your second pair of glasses, all you would need to do is find a frame you are interested in and reenter your parameters.